Are you having issues with your DPF? Are you having to waste your money on costly repairs? This tune will allow your vehicle to run properly and more efficiently with a DPF Delete kit while conservatively improving overall performance.
The All New FlashZilla PRO tool. Allowing you to flash your vehicle from the comfort of your drivers seat wherever you have an internet connection. This OBD flashing device connects users directly tot the Instatune catalog through the FlashZilla Tuning Portal. Using the supplied USB cable, simply connect your device to a laptop and plug in to your vehicles OBD port.
** The TuneZilla program is Windows only**
This tune is a delete ONLY. You will not see any power gains, but should have a slight increase in fuel economy due to elimination of REGEN cycles and a free flowing exhaust. If you are looking for a little more power as well as increased fuel economy, you should consider the Stage 1 tuning.